How to register Edge Core ecCloud and addAccess point to ecCloud

How to register Edge Core ecCloud and addAccess point to ecCloud

 ecCLOUD Registration and Login:

The Edge core ecCLOUD is a cloud-based controller that provides unified visibility and control for Edge Core wired and wireless devices, including AP, PoE switch, and Terragraph products. ecCLOUD simplifies the task of device deployment, management and monitoring at a single site or multiple sites across different geographical locations.

To register with Edge core ecCLOUD and login 

  1. Go to the Edge core site: ecCLOUD Controller (
  2.  Fill the required details.
  3. Click “Register” to register the cloud account.

  1. ecCLOUD will send an email for verification process.

  1. After verification, Create the first cloud by naming it and Click “Next”

  1. Login with the new Username and password 

Adding access points to ecCLOUD

Login with ecCLOUD Credentials.

  1. To create a Site in ecCLOUD

  1. Name the Site and Describe it in the description section.

  1. Click “Create”

  1. Setting the country regulation in “General”
  2. After selecting the country regulation
  3. Select “Local Login” and “Enable”
  4. Create a “username” and “password.”
  5. Click “save”
Site Local Login credential:
Username: root/admin
Password: Demo@2022

  1. Select “Device” to add the new devices to the site.
  2. Click “Add device”

  1. Enable inherit the settings.
  2. Add “serial number” “MAC Address” “Name” of the device
  3.  And click “Save”