Configuration to Enable ssh(Remote) Login in Ubuntu.

Configuration to Enable ssh(Remote) Login in Ubuntu.

How to Enable ssh (Remote) Login in Ubuntu. 

Have a Trouble to Access ssh Login in Ubuntu.

Steps to Configure ssh configuration file.

  1. Go to your system/VM and Open Terminal (use ctl+atl+t) and Follow Commands.
  2. Open sshd_config file in any editor like vim, nano, gedit (I use vim ) and modify some parameters.

  1. vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password
#PasswordAuthentication yes
Change to 
PermitRootLogin yes
PasswordAuthentication yes

  1. press i to edit.
  2. press "esc" then type ":wq" ( esc-> exit insert mode, w-> Write, q-> Quit editor).
  3. Restart the sshd.service
  1. systemctl restart sshd
  2. systemctl status sshd
  1. Now you must be access Remote Login.

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