Type of Kernel

Type of Kernel

What is Kernel and it's Types

What do you mean by kernel?

  1. Kernel is the core part of OS also known as heart of an OS.
  2. Have full control over everything in the system, each operation/task/program of hardware and software is managed and administrated by Kernel.
  3. Kernel is working as bridge applications and data processing.
  4. Kernel Manages - Memory, task, disk, peripheral and I/O requests.

Types of Kernels

  1. Monolithic Kernel
  2. Micro Kernel
  3. Hybrid Kernel
  4. Nano Kernel
  5. Exo Kernel

Monolithic Kernel

  1. The Monolithic Kernel is type of kernel which using the same memory space for user services and kernel services.
  2. It means there is no separate memory space allotted for kernel and user, both will work in same memory space.
  3. OS ex - Unix, Linux

Micro Kernel

  1. Its using different memory space for user and kernel
  2. Means Micro Kernel have space for each Kernel service and User services.
  3. OS ex – L4, Minix

Hybrid Kernel

  1. Also known as modular kernels
  2. Combination of Monolithic and Micro kernel
  3. OS Ex – Windows, Netware

Nano Kernel

  1. Code of kernel is very small
  2. Code executing in privileged mode of the hardware is very small
  3. Defines a kernel that supports a nanosecond clock resolution
  4. OS ex – EROS

Exo Kernel

  1. Its in under developing process

Some Kernel names

Kernel Name

OS Used in

Written in


FreeBSD, Debian



Android, Ubuntu, CentOS, FirefoxOS, ChromeOS


Windows NT

All Windows NT, win 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11, win phone, win server, vista


Windows 9X

Win 95, 98, ME


XNU (Darwin)

MacOS, iOS, iPadOS

C, C++

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